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Standing or walking for lengthy periods can be rough on your feet, but when you’ re doing it on concrete from sunrise to sunset and beyon your feet need some. May Serving work shoes for women, optimal and noble design, non-slippery and breathable, comfortable to walk across concrete floors, or stand for a. Or you may work on concrete floors and need a comfortable running shoe that will ease the discomfort you experience on a daily basis. Either way, being on your. Gunite Spiked Shoes.

Used these to paint basement floor with epoxy. Concrete Tool Type. With all the walking back.

For airport, warehouse, medical, retail and factory workers who spend the day standing on concrete floors, a quality pair of running shoes can prevent foot injuries. Its taken awhile to get to this point, and was tough for.

Jan People working on concrete all day outside and those working on concrete floors in the construction industry need steel capped work boots for.