This item is available for pick-up or purchase in-store ONLY. Canac, the renovation center for hardware and materials at unbeatable prices. MCA stands for Micronized Copper Azole.
MCA is a copper-based wood preservative used in pressure treated lumber allowing for residential installations above. Home › tabid › auid › Defaultww3. Treated lumber – True Value ww3.
Available for pick up or delivery. Project List Compare. Created from 2xpressure treated lumber – stronger and better! MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATION NO.
Find the lumber and plywood for your building or repair project at Sutherlands Home Improvement, including. Micro pro sienna premium grade pressure treated lumber. We have all the treated wood products for. This treated lumber protects against decay and insects.

HVAC and Chemical Resistance Handbook for the Engineer and. No reviews for this product. A new generation of copper-based wood.
Great Deal on 6x6x" TREATED POST" $ Get these at Storehouse Salvage. Pressure treated timber allows structures to withstand the elements. The Seven Trust This. Rated out of by.

Preservative Retention in pounds per cubic. Every piece meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. This lumber is pressure treated in order to protect it from termites, fungal decay. Shop our selection of pressure treated wood at the.
LUMBER AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. Standard Pine Board. Shanghai Seven Trust Industry Co.
A freshly treated piece of lumber may contain as much as 4. Our timbers are kiln dried before they are pressure treated to ensure maximum. NOT contact me with. To see the price.
Southern Yellow Pine. From dimensional lumber custom rough cut, you will find the treated wood products you. In modern pressure- treated lumber, the most commonly. We are a Retail Lumber Company in business for over years and generations with a heritage of excellent.
A " x " or 6" x " smooth vinyl post wrap is perfect for installation over a new or existing.